Main » 2013 » October » 13
Some stuff is going to change, first of all I'm just going to focus on requests and stop uploading some random anime every now and then.
Why you may ask, I've underestimated this whole process, when I started this site I had a lot of free time, but some RL stuff happened and I just couldn't combine everything anymore, getting pretty depressed for some time. I was even thinking about just fully deleting this site at some point but luckily I didn't do it.
but that's how it's going to go I'm just going to upload requested shows and that's it (maybe a little extra when I have enough time and am in an Euphoric mood).
I'm also going to make a recruitment page for someone who maybe has enough time and really wants to carry this site.
So that's pretty much it.
Views: 739 | Added by: Nekosama | Date: 2013-10-12 | Comments (0)